W.A.L.T- Write a persuasive speech that encourages the listener to agree with my opinion.
We picked a topic and went on google docs and typed a speech.
I liked that we had to say it into the webcam.
I also liked writing the speech.
"Nau Mai haere mai -I am in a Year 5 and 6 class called Tuatara at Mangonui School and my teacher is Ms Lloyd Welcome to my reflective blog. Please remember I am learning to write my ideas clearly for an audience.
W.A.L.T- Write a persuasive speech that encourages the listener to agree with my opinion.
We picked a topic and went on google docs and typed a speech.
I also liked writing the speech.
W.A.L.T-Use prompts to construct sentences to persuade my audience to agree with my opinion.
W.A.L.T-Introduce our whanau in te reo.
I liked doing the drawings.I also liked doing the writing.
next time I wish could do a better job on my family.