
Thursday, 3 December 2020

 WALT-do a word of the week

I liked adding the colours.
I liked writing the words.
Next time I want to write more words.
Have you done a word of the week. 

Friday, 30 October 2020

Ariya's word of the week

WALT-do a word of the week. 

I liked making the colours.
I liked writing the words.
Next time I want to make my writing colourful.
have  you made one before.

Friday, 23 October 2020

 WALT- do a word of the week.

we had to do three sentences and four different words.

I liked adding colours.
I liked writing the words.
Next time I wish that I made the background yellow.
Have you made one of these.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Ariya's amazing mosaic art

 WALT-use google draw to make a mosaic art.

I liked using the proper colours.
I liked using poly-line  to make shapes.
Next time I would like to do a harder picture.
have you done mosaic art before

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Ariya's tortoises adventure

 WALT-use google slide's to make a tortoises slide for you

I liked making it for you 
I liked using google slide's because i can put writing on them.
Next time I want to add more information.

Do you like my work?

Friday, 21 August 2020

Ariya's drawing

WALT-use google to trace a animal.

I liked using shapes!
I liked tracing.
I wish I was better at tracing!
Have you traced before!

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Ariya's diamante poem

 WALT-make a diamante poem with google draw

I love my background because it's pretty.
I love that I can change the colour of the words.
Next time I want to add more shapes.
Do you like it.

Monday, 17 August 2020

Ariya's amazing acrostic poem!

 WALT-use google draw to make a matariki poem.

I liked to make my words a diffent colour.
I loved adding shapes.
Next time I wish I had more time👌✌

have you made it before?

Thursday, 28 May 2020

We are learning to write correct sentences

WALT-correct sentences have special parts.
We had to write about a boy on a book in the sky.

I liked the picture that Mrs  Jurlina choose.  
Next time I what more time to finish my story.

 Do you use WOW words in your writing.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Ariya's alliteration work

WALT-write alliteration sentences.
we had to write an alliteration using our name.

Reflection- I liked adding the colours. I liked writing it. 
Question- if you made a alliteration what words would you use? 

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Ocean mermaid


                                      A  mermaid lived in the ocean
                            and she had a splash potion 
                              she thought it was magic
                                    but it was tragic
                   maybe she should take suntan lotion  

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Friday, 17 April 2020

The girl who found the mystical treasure

15. 4. 2020

Once upon a time there was a girl she lived in a boring house she lived on the most boring street and then one day her parents said go to sleep and that is when she heard her parents say we’re moving house. I was thrilled!

Two days later we packed to leave, it took 3 days to get there, it was the most beautiful house. I lived next to the beach and my new school when I walked inside I knew something was wrong I checked every room they are normal the last room was the attic she checked in a suitcase there was very strange things inside. There was a map that lead to a maze she thought it was a myth because everybody that tried to find it, couldn't. You needed the map to find the treasure which she had so she followed the map to the treasure and…..

This is my rocks and minerals poster

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Friday, 6 March 2020

Taonga class favourite colour

WALT  use  google sheets  to make a graph we made graph with colour 
I like  adding  coluor and make it 3D
next time I wish I could make the background rainbow colours. 

If you made this what  colour would you use.